
Another SHOW!!!! Maret 2014


YoooooooHoooooooooooo.....Another Show!!!!

Due to overwhelming response from die-hard fans in Singapore, the organizer managed to tie up another show of Super Junior on 30 Jan 2011!!!!

Last night when the news came, my elder girl was screammmmmmming!!! Literally bringing the house down kekekekek.... :D

She did a 'Happy Dance' and my heart raced along with her :D
(Now this is what sharing and feeling the pulse together is all about in relation to my last sadder post of 'Not There')

My girlfriend message me: "SHIONG YEE!!!!! HAVE YOUR HEARD!!!!" followed by "SUJU....Another Show!!"

Now, will we be lucky this time round? Will our faster fingers strike when tickets go on sale this Monday???

Wish us luck folks, lots and lots of it!!! :D
Another SHOW!!!! Maret 2014 | Rizal | 5