The grandeur and charm still existed which is a stone throw away from our financial district and would love to share some of the scenery along our Singapore River ;)
Joni, Juat Kiat & Me Seating at the Backbencher

Next to me was the seat which belongs to our Ex-Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew. The image of old parlimentary sitting were so vivid to me. Maybe I was too young & ignorant to remember the details but now, it just came flashing back and it was certainly very exciting.
A very unique sculpture just outside the building so can't help having a shot :D

Our busy business district, Shenton Way next to Singapore River. Also known as Boat Quay whereby alfresco dinning & pubs came bustling at night with lots of happenings :D
Lots more pictures to share in my next post.....meanwhile, it has been a long fruitful today and I just have to hit the sack now...ZZzzzz.
Have a great weekend folks and Hope you enjoy our old Parliament House :D