
ICEM World Women Conference 2011 - Spain Maret 2014

A fruitful seminar I must say and I am humble by what I heard as shared by delegates their quest in fighting for gender equality, social protection and rights.Conference was held in the Hotel Melia Lebreros, Seville and the Spanish hosts were most gracious and accomodating for all 230 women leaders from all over the world. As mentioned, the theme of the conference titled 'Conquests & Dreams' was most ideal and apt as Spain has been standing out in recent years for its leglisation and work for equality.

I touched base with old friends not just from Asia Pacific Region but new friends like Irene & Joyce from Zimbabwe.

We were entertained with a lovely concerto by Primero de Mayo - from the Spanish Trade Union, namely The Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO.). It started its work as a cultural foundation right after their Civil War.

I was enchanted to say the least :)

Angeline from Zimbabwe was elected as the Vice-Chair of the ICEM Women Committee and here, I met a new friend from the ICEM Secretariat, Tom who comes from England but currently workingly in Switzerland.

With many of the other women activists from the global fraternal and I've learned so much in such a short span of time.

To me, the experience was most enriching and the challenges faced by women from the Sub-Saharan Regions were the most daunting in view of the oppressions towards women more so during the recent uprising in the Arab worlds.

I must admit that my own challenges paled in comparison with what I heard from the rest but I am sure that with combined global effects, women from these regsions would be abel to achieve more in one concerted voice.

It makes me appreciate more with what I have, indeed I am most thankful.
ICEM World Women Conference 2011 - Spain Maret 2014 | Rizal | 5