Please pardon me if I have not been regularly visiting your blog - Time is pretty tight for me at the moment in view of work and some personal matters which I have to organise.
Anyway.... I do and I will keep in touch with most of you just in case you didn't hear from me ya :D
Look at these beautiful postcards from Singapore folks! The Singapore Tourism Board is giving out these postcards for us to post overseas to our friends.
This is just one of the way promoting Uniquely Singapore and a way to showcase Singapore to the world as well - Absolutely a brilliant idea :D
That would be so exciting! That would be fantastic!! That would be so unbelievable ya!
Let me know if you hear from the Singapore Tourism Board folks! Fingers Crossed!!! Shhh..... my toes are crossing to wish all of you the extra luck :D
Hey... doing my part to promote my lovely country, do check it out folks at won't ya? Luv you all!!!