Yooohooo...... Me just wanna share this wonderful journey called "Marriage".
Despite its ups & downs filled with joy & sorrow marriage is indeed a wonderful journey for all.
Whether you are newly-wed or celebrating your anniversaries this journey of love is just the beginning of embracing life as husband and wife.
This journey is about learning the art of communication......
A journey of trust........
A journey full of love & commitment.......
I must not forget to add that this journey is full of frustration at times too but then again, through all these we 'enriched' ourselves and truly understand what commitment means.
Still I was told, the lessons come from the journey and not the destination :D
So join me with all fellow Singaporeans in celebrating We Are Married Celebration as the biggest Wedding Card would be launched on 19 March 2008 beside the Singapore River.
Cherish this wonderful journey of love known as "Marriage" and Enjoy Your Journey :D