Me & My Guys
Right! Nine hours later from Helsinki - next stop - Bangkok for our NTUC Seminar LM2011 (Labour Movement Year 2011).We Did The Following: -
Brainstormed! Squeeze Ideas! 'Heated' Exchanges! Wrapped Up! Shopping! Heee.....:D
Sec-Gen Lim Boon Heng
Can't resist having a shot taken with our NTUC Secretary-General Lim Boon Heng, he is always the calm cool guy. This is the closest I could get as his body guard was out of sight that night!
Women's Power
Power shot with Madam Halimah during our teabreak half way through the seminar - we had a fruitful discussion.
So after all the work, it's makan time (eating) and shopping in Bangkok, here's some yummilious food found along the streets of Chinatown.
Suckling Pig (Er...not really my favourite folks but it's ok to have a bite)
Roast Duck on display
Thai Durians - big and meaty but not so sweet though Toast Bread on a push-cart
Hot & Cold Desserts - Had some while resting Cute hand painted colourful wooden cats
BIG Toilet Signage!
Bet no one is gonna miss this 'LADY' to 'relieve' yourself Kekekeke...... :D But bet you didn't know that they are located at alternate level so yup! I had a hard time locating the Ladies when I needed them most :(
So, best to check out the 'convenient' stop prior to the shopping :D
There you have it! Two days of serious work (seminar) followed by R&R - SHIOK :D