It has been a while.....yep...the handphone saga....since 19 May 2006.
For the benefit for new readers, my beloved Nokia 7260 was handed officially to the handphone shop owner for repair. Lo and behold.......they did a blunder. They SOLD my 'Baby'! *Sob* Knowing it was faulty, they have the guts to sell it to someone oh so innocent.
Fast foward to 1 September.......the saga continues......throughout this period, no apology and no sincere compensation. They are only willing to replace me with an old phone or I have to pay them $150 for a new phone.
No one will let this matter rest, I would if only they call me personally to admit their mistake and wanted to negotiate but they prefer to ding ding and dong dong.
Fine......I lodged a complain with the Consumer Association (CASE) - they took up the case officially and wrote to the shop owner. They chose to ignore the two reminders from CASE. Fine..... afterall the next level is to the Small Claim Tribunal whereby the judge shall decide on the outcome.
But, hang's not over....the saga continues..........
The integrity of this shop owner has cast a big question mark over everyone's head coz one member of mine who has bought a phone set from them had his phone model registered differently. Thank goodness for highlighting this matter to the Managment today during our monthly meeting.
So, another blunder or a deliberate blunder?
Anyway, it's gonna be interesting to see how this saga continues.... stay tune folks :D