I bet you would all fall in love with this sweetie coz my heart literally melted kekekek...
What a lovely email from my friend to brighten up my day coz I bet it is one in a million you spot a mark with a love shape ;)

This puppy was borned in Japan with a large, clear, heart-shaped pattern in his coat.
According to the email, this Chihuahua is called "Heart-kun" and the love-heart PuppyShop owner, Emiko Sakurada said it was the first time a puppy with the this mark have been borned out of a thousand she had bred.
Sorry folks, she has no plans to sell the puppy :(
Coming back to one in a million which reminds me about my double uterus in the form of heart-shape too and since it is 'hidden' inside my body, sorry folks I am unable to show you my lovey-dovey womb so to speak hehehe....
Have a wonderful & heart-felt weekend folks - Luv you all!!!