Events for the families are Family Movie Festivals, Parenting Talk, Skating with Families, Work-life Harmony etc.
I am game for the Movie Festival most probably at the Botanic Garden and that's pretty cool to catch a movie with so many families out in the park :)

I was glad that some of my girlfriends signed up to have a go pertaining to the discussion about families. Personally I think it is a good platform to share on issues that affect the families, be it on marriage or parenting.
Embarking on this.....today is also "Eat With Your Family Day" and this being the 5th year, it is to emphasize the strengthening of inter-generational family ties through the simple act of sitting down and taking a meal together more frequently.
It is a rat-race here in Singapore so I think it is a good initiatives for Companies to 'release' staff early and have a proper sit down dinner with their respective family.
I made it a point to be home for this special day and explained to Shan about this special day and she was curious to know if I made this up :D Kekekek...I told her no, it was featured in the papers today and hmmm......I wonder if most of my friends do take note of this.
Anyhoos..... Happy Family Day & Think Family always :) ~ Have a wonderful weekend Folks!