This time during my visits to Beijing & Guangzhou, alot of my friends were hesitant to buy foodstuff......Hmm..... wrong timing I suppose in view of the food scare ;(
Still, nothing is gonna stop me from clicking away coz the colourful displays of tidbits is far too appealing. These are preserved apricots in different flavours, strawberries, green tea, lemon ..... I did buy some though and they are yummy :)
Lots of candied peanuts in original flavour & some with black sesame which goes well with my coffee as usual.
Don't you just crave for some candies after looking at all these colourful display? I have lost count on the colours ~ too mind boggling!
These are actually preserved assam, sweet & sourish. Over here in Singapore, we cook fish with assam which is kinda sweet, sour & spicy.
Very neat display of all the preserved tidbits ......
This is the store that sells them, he was about to close his stall that is the reason why there were plastic sheets over the preserved fruits.
Peaches! Lots of them coz it was in season during my visit. Not really a peach person but did had a go and it was sweet :D

Stalls selling sticks of chicken wings, squids, pork chops ~ we had our meal prior to this so we did not sample any.

No trip to Beijing is complete without having Beijing Duck! Truth is ~ I really did not get the chance to savour Beijing duck at all throughout my visit. Long story :(
I did find out there are pre-packed roasted Beijing duck for people to cart home, are you game enough? (Not me...kekeke....)
No worries folks! I had the best roast goose when I was in Guangzhou so there...... :D Just as SHIOK!