Hey, it's my turn! Someone made my day today :D
Was out of office yesterday for a meeting and this morning when I went back to work, I saw this big steamed cake on my desk.
A lovely gesture from my friend's wife, she baked it just for me but nothing beats sharing it with the rest at work. So all my fellow colleagues enjoyed the treat this afternoon which was really nice. Besides, a lovely afternoon bonding time with colleagues including our drivers & tea-lady :D

Only three ingredients namely eggs, sugar & flour and during my younger days, there is no electrical whisk for whipping so the only 'electrical' equipment is my hands kekekek......
I remembered those days, we used a plastic basin and cracked about 10 eggs and surprisingly we need not use any measuring cups or bowls, we simply measure through our mental estimation ~ yep, amazing but true :D
Usually I'll help Mom to whisk while sitting in front of the television, I'll change hand every now and then coz it was really tiring to whisk till the mixture gets smooth. With that later, it'll be poured into this plastic baking sheet and steamed for about 20-30 minutes I think.
Viola! Steamed Egg Cake for the whole family :D
Today, the 鸡 蛋 糕 (Ji Dan Gao) treat certainly triggered the warmth in everyone's tummy as well as the heart :D