
Heart-2-Heart Maret 2014


It was a long but fruitful Saturday, tiring yet felt accomplised. All the Family Council members sacrificed our Saturday to meet for a Strategic Planning Retreat at Rendezvous Hotel to conceptualise the plan for our two-year term.

For the first time in a non-corporate environment, members from different stratas of their profession came together to chart the course. We brainstormed and deep-dived into issues which is very much a concern to the Nation.

Vision - Singapore Is A Great Place For Famiies!

Mission - Promote the Building of Resilient Families in Singapore.

To me, it really doesn't matter which profession we came from - the fundamental is the same. I had a Heart-2-Heart session with all Council Members and I'm certainly looking forward to my contribution within my term of office.

Home Sweet Home Folks!
Heart-2-Heart Maret 2014 | Rizal | 5