
Assam Fishhead Maret 2014

Not bad for first attempt at Spicy Assam Fishead for dinner last night. Here's a look at the basic ingredients:

Garlic, Chilli, Tomato and Lady Fingers


Fish Head (can be substituted with other types of fish)

Fried the garlic and chilli with lots of chilli paste depending on how spicy you want it to be - add in the vegetables, assam water and the fishhead. Pinch of salt, sugar otherwise the assam would be too sour for you.

Viola! My 'Wok' full of love
'Woking' To the Dinning Table :P

Assam is actually tamarind and it is used in some of our dishes for its tangy sour taste - add in more chilli paste if you want that 'punch'.

This is how it looks like - soak it in water to get the juice that's all.

Mmmm.....shall add in pineapples the next time - I hope I've whetted your apettite :D

Assam Fishhead Maret 2014 | Rizal | 5