Time stood still for me since Wednesday and Thursday as I was feeling poorly with severe tummy cramp *sob* - the pang of intermediate pain just haunt me I really wish all my senses would vanish. Yep, time literally stood still as my mind just focused on the excruciating pain piercing through my abodmen.
Anyway, not a night owl really to watch the live telecast of the Champion League at 2.35 am between Barcelona and Arsenal but I enjoyed my solitary solace in view of my 'downtime'. As quiet as a mouse, I couldn't ooze and utter my suffering in case I wake Dar although he did really want to wake up and catch the match.
I was in two frame of mind really as to which team to support (must be the pain) heeee...! It certainly lifted my spirit and mind off my pain though.
Still, I must add, a good match between them and to see Barcelona fought hard during the second half to score two goals and clinged the Champion League title. (Final score Barcelona - 2, Arsenal - 1)
Ahhh.......... what an unusual solitary solace :D