Here's to all my Sisters near and far ~ Happy International Women's Day!
Yes, 8 March 2007 is the day dedicated all the lovely Women out there :D Hooray! It's our day!!
Chicago Navy Pier Park (2005)

Let's hold hands together in celebration of this day dedicated to all the Women ~ For the many roles we juggled as Daughter, Sister, Mother, Wife, Granny, In-laws, Aunty, Girlfriend etc.
No matter how many 'miles' we tread in life, you know we would never walk that lonesome path by ourselves. We are the 'Anchor Woman' not just solely for our family but also anchoring the sisterly bonds sharing joy & sorrow, riding all the ups & downs.
So, let's hold hands in celebration of Women's Power today!
Happy Women's Day :DC'mon Guys! Join in the celebration and give that well deserved hugs & kisses to the woman who touches your lives ~ Your Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Sister-in-Law, Nieces
Er...hugs & kisses not applicable to your private secretary I'm afraid ;) Kekekke.....