See what I mean? Before we could blink our is 1st July already!!
Welcome! Welcome the Month of July hehehe.......something big is awaiting us :D
Well there's lots of happenings for us and we are all looking forward to it.
My younger Brother is getting engage next weekend and I'm so happy for him :) Finally my little Brother is embracing his next chapter of life with his sweetheart and I'm so happy to have Ai Tee as my Sis-in-law :D
Second weekend, we are host to Francesca our Welsh girlfriend travelling all the way from Wales to visit us. She is now in Thailand moving on to Malaysia before visiting us. I'll post about Francesca after she visited ok? When we met her in Wales.....she was only about 6 or 7 years old so you can imagine, she is a pretty young lady now :D
Another wedding on 22 July 2007, in England. Aunty & Uncle Bennett's son, Peter is getting marry with Fania from Cuba. Due to timing, it is with much regrets that we are unable to attend their wedding. Still, a big wedding gift is on their way :D
Then of course......all types of meetings is still very much on the schedule of July :(
As with last year...the employees' children are invited to submit drawings that contains safety messages and so long one submit, every drawing will get $50 for the kids.
Isn't that a brilliant idea to spread the safety message to the children.
The top piece by Shan and the bottom one by Bibi. I think it is wonderful to get the children involved and appreciate the safety message at an early age since both of us are in the chemical industries :D
I hated myself for not charging my camera's battery and all I got is just this picture of Sakae Sushi. Yep....we went Japanese this afternoon with the kids and oh yummy.........wasabi still lingered on my lips kekekek....
Don't you just hate it when your battery run low? Bibi managed some shot from her cell phone so shall tempt you with sushi next hopefully heheheh......
Weekend was great and hope you are having a fabulous time too folks :D