Suntan lotion ~ checked!
Sunshade ~ checked!
2-piece Bikini ~ checked!
Credit card ~ checked!
Ahhh......lots of sunshine & seabreeze...... pure sandy beaches with strong wind.......lazing by the pool sipping orange juice........ahhh.....watching the world goes by....
*WAKE UP SHIONGE!* (Eyes wide opened)
Kekeke......I know there's gonna be sunshine & pure sandy beaches beckoning me to simply laze around watching the world goes by and appreciating the sunset from the far end of the resort.
But....the truth is, I'm be going away tomorrow till this weekend for a seminar. OH....oh...please don't cry! Oh please................... Yes....I know, I'm gonna miss you too *Sob*
Yahoo Pix

Batam is just an hour ferry ride away from Singapore and yes, I need to bring my passsport along coz it is situated in the Riau Island of Indonesia (So I can leave my bikini behind hahaha......)
I'll be travelling with about 45 colleagues ~ Er....lots of 'Thorns' and only a handful of 'Roses' of which I'm one of them :D
You'll all be missed as usual and I promise to be back with lots of Dadida and Ladida Heheh........ and also I promise to catch up reading your postings when I get back as well.
Still, if you wanna confide in me, do oh please do drop me an email and I promise to lend my listening ear just for you.
Bye Bye and wait for my Dadida & Ladida ok?
Luv Ya! :D