Let me explain folks. Excited that I did not make any resolution at all coz I know jolly well it's just gonna be one of those fallacy which I struggle within my mind each time the clock strikes from 0000 hrs to 0001 hrs each year.
Having not made one means I need not abide by any to achieve my ultimate goals :D Kekeke....I hope I made sense coz I intend to JUST DO IT :D
It's the first day of 2007 and it does get lethargic for some coz too much celebration & countdown huh? As for me, I headed on a good start this evening when I jogged from my place to Upper Bukit Timah Road. I have never attempted to run on the road so my mind kept reminding myself not to stop half way.
It was Fantastic! I reached my destination half an hour later which to me it's great :D Hmmm.....now I know what's on the mind of every marathon runners now - that is 'Don't Stop! Don't Stop!" Heee......coz that's what I did...."Don't Stop Shionge! Don't you dare stop!" ;D

This is a portrait of us drawn by an artist in Chiang Mai, Thailand. D was caught by surprise when I presented this to him on Xmas Day :D
This is the original photo, how's that? I think it's really cool to have a portrait like this to keep for remembrance and definitely gonna bring back some fond memories ten years from now :D
Once again "Cheers Folks! Cheers to A New Year :D"