1. As a child, what did you always say you wanted to be when you grew up?
I remember saying I wanted to be a policewoman, as you can see I am not one now hehehe...but I did remember volunteer myself to join the Voluntary Constable in the Police Force when I was 22 years old. They have 'lost' one good Constable coz they ran out of application form for volunteers.....Ahhh....too bad.
2. If you had to choose one thing that you’ve always dreamed of doing, what would it be? What is stopping you?
Yahoo PhotoDIVING! I love the deep blue sea and I love the underwater world, was a dream came true when I signed on for my diving lesson and realised I was pregant two days before the first dive lesson. I was 'devastated'..... but with the bundle of joy kicking in my tummy quickly suppressed my sadness......Nine months later, Bibi was borned :D ~ 1994
3. Who is your biggest fan? Who is always encouraging you to be all that you can be?
D @ Nigara Fall

I reckoned my biggest fan is my D and the other biggest fans have to be all of you, my global blog pals Kekek.......!
4. What bible study or book (besides the obvious-the Bible) has most impacted your life to date?
Has to be "LIfe & Death in Shanghai" by Anthony Grey as the personal strength and endurance of a Chinese woman inspired me to renew my own faith, atittude & courage towards everything I endeavour in life.
5. When are you the happiest?
I am happy everyday and one of those magical moment was my visit to New York and getting closed-up with the Statue of Liberty. It was majestic and I was totally mesmerised when I saw her came before my eyes when the ferry approached the island.
Ahhh....it was an awesome sight and yes, I was very very HAPPY :D when I get to visit the place that I always wanted to go for once in my life.
There you have it folks! Thank you Art for giving me an opportunity to share a little bit more of myself with all blog pals :D
Hope you all have a great weekend!