Whoa! Finally, a long long way from Downunder to Singapore - June's lovely Christmas goodies and now you know why I never get Monday Blues huh ;)

June was literally 'devasted' that her goodies did not reach me at all, what with organic pop-corns, chips & her lovely chocolate fruit cake. Thank You email was immediately sent to her upon receiving the parcel so she must be very pleased.

Chocolate fruit cake still moist & yummy June and thank you for the extra brazilian nuts for that added crunch! I'm keeping it for breakfast tomorrow...... hmmm, not much left to share with my colleagues so perhaps the next round huh :D
Three packets of Organic Pop-corns specially recommended by her and since it is lightly salted I supposed I can afford to indulge and it does have a special sweet buttery & nutty taste to it.

We do get Sour Cream Potato Chips here but with Sweet Chilli that's a cool & new combination for me to try for sure.
Ahh....there! Better late than never and glad that the postal department finally cleared the backlog since Christmas! Now I wonder where did my Xmas gifts to her gone to now....???