I finally get to jog at the stadium this evening ~ My first 2007 jog at the stadium :D
At last, the stadium over at Little Guilin is open after they closed it since last November because of the heavy downfalls resulting in mudslides which deems to be unsafe.
Picture taken on 29 Dec 2006
Since they closed the stadium, I've been working out at the gym and going the extra mile to jog from my apartment to Upper Bukit Timah Road which to me is quite an achievement.
As D was working late, I manage to squeeze in for a run after cleaning the house and oh what fun! It was a windy evening at about 7.30 pm, not many joggers and to my surprise, I was like a sprinter! Clocking 3.2 km in less than 20 mins........Whopee!!!!
I could go on and on but I have to prepare dinner so took a walk back relaxingly :)
I took in the surrounding sights of the stadium when I walked in this evening prior to my jog. Ahhh....The air was so fresh, so blissful with the lushing greens at the backdrop :D
Running by the roadside is quite dangerous as I need to be very careful due to the heavy traffic plus the slopes and uneven grounds. It is pretty challenging as I cannot measure the distance and yet have to concentrate on the road condition.
Running in the stadium is safer and at a consistent speed, it gives me a chance to 'dream' at the same time kekeke....
It is TGIF folks! Have a great weekend and shall catch up with all you lovely pals soon :D ~ Have fun ya!