Reunion gathering & bonding was held this evening and all had a great time. Even though we are very exhausted when everyone went home, it was fun :D
Ya Folks! Some blog advertisement for Tiong Bahru Roast Pig :D I joked that it's the Year of the Pig so we must order one if it's the Year of the Rat does it meant that we have to eat Mickey Mouse :D (Just kidding folks, Mickey is too adorable lah!)
I know and we all know that it is ridiculous to pay ripped-off price for a platter of yusheng which is basically vegetables and some miserable pieces of salmon. But er...surprise surprise, no one is complaining coz it is auspicious to 'toss for good luck' ya ;)
Candy tray filled with goodies such as candies, ground nuts, melon seeds etc for you see, piggy sweets & toffees were most popular among the guests.
I know it is silly during this happy occasion but I can't help feeling a tinge of sadness that when we all bonded together, my Father is not here with us *Sniff*
It is during this period that I knew my Father would be excited about the dishes that he is going to prepare and seeing him having a game of mahjong at home with his friends warmth my heart.......sorry for being carried away just a recurring thought every now and then.
Three days off from work till Wednesday so lots of visiting during this time, wishing all my Chinese friends overseas & locally A Prosperous Lunar New Year :D