Specially for Ghee & Steve :D

Hey! 2 (Two) February Babies today - Happy Birthday to my blog pal Ghee & my buddy Steven :D

Lady First! Happy Birthay Ghee - The Gentle & Compassionate lady whom I am most fortunate to 'meet' through bloggerland ;)
Here's wishing you excellent health & happiness staying cheerful & sexy always :D
Before I know you, I only knew that Ghee came in a green coloured tin and is a semi-fluid butter used especially in Indian cooking kekeke......
Whenever I passed by our Indian roti-prata stall, I would always spot a tin of ghee next to the store and immediately I think of the Ghee in Japan :D ~ Happy Birthday Pal!
Through the course of our work, I was most fortunate to see the affection exude within you ;)
I remembered many years ago, when we were out in a group having dinner, there was too much food left over but instead of letting it go to waste, you thought of those construction workers near your place and take-away for them.
I was wowed and what a kind act to spare a thought for them coz there were simply too much food for all of us. You were full of empathy Steve!
I was teary when I knew you would be out of our Committee but you came by to console me and advice me to be myself and work with the rest of the guys :'D
Oops....here I go away, getting emotional! Kekek.....
So here's to you Steve! Happy Birthday and just to let you know that I've missed your sense of humour and your megawatt smile as always :D
Have a terrific Birthday Dearest Ghee & Steven :D ~ Many many happy returns as always Pal! :D