Uniquely cool! Uniquely coined by Bibi & her Friends ~ The Star of Friendship :D
Yep! I think it's cool to have a symbol of a star just by 'connecting' their fingers together. It shows the unity & bond among all her classmates in P6 Diamond Class.

Although it has been almost two months in her new school, she never fails to talk about the good old time in her old school and yes, it certainly brought back my own memories too when I was posted to another school.
Her class outing last December after the final exams and I told her I'm gonna blog about her awesome Diamond class for the fact that they stood through thick & thin during their primary school and the bond is still getting stronger despite all being posted to different school.
No worries my dear......6 Diamond class might be 'separated' but the team-spirit and bonding is still very much together as can be seen by the numerous phone calls & gatherings all of you are planning.
Steer the Star of Friendship to greater height.....friendship remains stronger & everlasting for sure and I'm sure you would form a new star soon in your new school ;)
Can Mummy join your Star of Friendship too ;)