
Shan's Handicraft Maret 2014


Shan loves to draw, make cards, painting almost anything crafty in addition to writing journal. Hmm... it warmths my heart to know that both my girls expressed their thoughts in writing coz personally I think it is good to inculcate such good habits at an early age.

Last week, I saw Shan designed a card 'Shania's Room' and pasted on her room's door. It was delightful just by looking at that cheery pix and I asked if she could make one for me too.

Requested for 'Mummy's Desk' and gonna bring it to office and proudly display on my desk as it would certainly brighten up my day for sure :D

Hmmm..... such bliss at times like this and I'm enjoying every moment of my time with them as they shared about their days in school with me every night.

The other day, Shan tricked me while we were on a train ride to Town..... I was quick to answer (quite innocently really) without any hesitation and had a good laugh....

Superman Pix from Yahoo

Shan : What size is Superman's shirt?

Me : Large of course. (Obvious isn't it? Such big chest?)

Shan : No!!!! It's small coz the size 'S' was displayed in front Mom!

Oh Wow! Kekekeke......

*LOL* :D Laugh non-stop!

Shan's Handicraft Maret 2014 | Rizal | 5