
Nite @ Skelding's Maret 2014

Cathy & Bill came from Alabama and we were invited over at their apartment this evening. Oh what a night! I've never met them but when D was over in Alabama he was treated to a home-cooked dinner over at their place and met with their children as well.

So I was certainly looking forward to it and jived so well with Cathy. I was pretty amazed that most of the time, she would shop around our neighbourhood centre and very much enjoyed walking to places like Ghim Moh, Holland Village and even as far as to Cold Storage Jelita.

We had a great time chatting and looked at the yummilious dessert - banana pudding!

Cathy told me this is very much the Southern Alabama dessert so I just have to give it a go sometime. Look folks - a recipe for me to dip my hands into. No excuse for not trying right?

We had a good time and shared experiences and certainly looking forward to having them over at our place soon.

So there....I'll keep you all posted if I do try my hands on the Southern Alabama Dessert - Banana Pudding :D For sure, it's gonna be Singapore style or simply Shionge's Dessert or Betty's Dessert as I'm known to Cathy & Bill.

Thank You Cathy & Bill for a wonderful night :D

Nite @ Skelding's Maret 2014 | Rizal | 5