
Gonna Miss 'Ya Maret 2014

Hiya folks! I'm sure gonna miss all of you as I be leaving for a retreat tomorrow in.......Ahhh, how I wish it is to this wonderful place known as the Grand Canyon.

Oh Gosh! I've missed seeing the South Rim of Grand Canyon and how is it that I could have missed this magnificent sight?? I've cruised along Route 66 for hours and I missed this part of the Canyon??? *Sob* - Yo! No worries coz that gives me plenty of reason to travel back to this beautiful Wonder again isn't it? Kekeke......I'll be there.

D shot this (Year 2005)

Ooohhh.....coming back to my Retreat. Yes, I'll be cruising via the Second Link to Kuala Lumpur first thing in the morning tomorrow and will be back on Sunday. This is our Women's Committee Retreat having a day of seminar, another day visiting the Malaysian Trade Union and hopefully two days of shopping :D

As much as I look forward to the bonding with the women leaders, I know there's two important things which I'm gonna miss the most too.

Firstly my family whom I'm gonna miss dearly especially D, Bibi & Shan (be back sooner than you expected) and secondly all you lovely blog buddies :D

So Dear Blog Buddies (From Aimee to Wendy and everyone in between my alphabetical links) I will miss swinging over to your blogs, digesting all your updates and leaving my comments *sob*. Whoo.....I will miss sharing the tears & laughter, joy & happiness as I drop by visiting your sites.

Since I would be going away, here's wishing Dalicia A Very Happy Birthday on 7 December 2006 and hey folks, send her some blessings too ok?

So Yep! Gonna miss all of you and do make a date with me when I return on Sunday folks coz I can't wait to share my retreat with all of you.

Take care and have a wonderful week ahead until the safe return of So Shiok :D

Gonna Miss 'Ya Maret 2014 | Rizal | 5